2022: Leglo B

Spoznajte Beamine in Boscove mladičke.

2022: LEGLO B

Datum kotitve: 4. 8. 2022
2 samici in 3 samci



S bar L Okie B Cool

Rodovniško ime: WTCH S bar L Okie B Cool CDX OFTDs RNX DNA-VP
Datum rojstva: 22.1.2015
Registracija: ASCA
COI 10 gen: 7.14%
Barva: red tri
Rep: naravno kratek rep 
Višina: 51 cm
Teža: 17 – 18 kg

HD: A1/A1 
ED: 0/0 
OCD: free 
Back: ok
MDR1: +/+ (by parentage)
HSF4: +/+ (by parentage)
PRA: N/N, free (by parentage)
CMR1: +/+ (by parentage)
CEA: +/+ (clear)
DM: N/DM (prenašalka)

Oči čiste, pregledane 2022


RH-T A: 8. 4. 2017

RH-T B: 15. 10. 2017

RH-FL A1: 8. 10. 2017

RH-FL B: 2.6.2018

Member of search and rescue units SIP in MERP from 2017


ASCA titles: WTCH, OFTDs


BH/VT exam: 97/100 points

ASCA obedience: title CD, May 2017

ASCA obedience: title CDX, September 2017

Rally obedience:

RO I exam: 138/150 points, 16.10.2016

RO 2 exam: 160/170 points, 26.11.2016

ASCA Rally: title RNX, May 2017

Delo z nosom:

Nosework I exam: 93/100 točk, 15.12.2016

Nosework II exam: 87/100 točk, 15.12.2016


Delo z nosom:

  1. mesto, tekma Delo z nosom II, 9.4.2017
  2. mesto, tekma Delo z nosom II, 13.5.2017


1st place, ASCA Started ducks, Italy, 20. 5. 2017

1st place, ASCA Started ducks, Italy, 21.5.2017

1st place, ASCA Started cattle, Italy, 21.5.2017

2nd place, ASCA Open cattle (OTDc), Italy, 15.7.2018

2nd place, ASCA Advanced ducks (ATDd) Italy, 15.7.2018

1st place HIT (High in Trial), ASCA Open sheep (OTDs), Italy, 15.7.2018

2nd place, ASCA Open sheep (OTDs), Italy, 15.7.2018

1st place HIT, ASCA Open cattle (OTDc), Italy, 14.7.2018

1st place HIT, ASCA Open cattle (OTDc), Italy, 14.7.2018

2nd place, ASCA Farm trial Open Sheep, Austria 7.7.2019

1st place, ASCA Farm trial Open Ducks, Austria 7.7.2019


1st place HIT, ASCA Novice, Austria 24.5.2017

1st place HIT, ASCA Novice, Austria 25.5.2017

2nd place, ASCA Open, Austria 24.9.2019

2nd place, ASCA Open, Austria 24.9.2019

O Beam

Beam is a very cute and happy dog with a very stable character. She is easy to live with and I’d say she is a softer dog. As a puppy she basically hasn’t destroyed anything and has very quickly been house broken.

She is very open to people and has no problem with children, but she also doesn’t bother random people and ignores them if they don’t make contact with her. She adores people that she knows and loves to give kisses straight to your nose. With children she is gentle, not too pushy and totally relaxed. After her first litter I’ve noticed that she can be uncomfortable near some children, especially if they are visiting our home. She does not seek conflict with other dogs, usually she ignores them but she does not like males who are too pushy and stick to her behind.

Even as a puppy she was very brave in all places and even though she grew up in a small town she never had problems visiting Ljubljana our capital city. Now that she is an adult, I can easily take her with me anywhere I go.

Inside she is quite and doesn’t bark. She doesn’t have a lot of guarding instinct but she will show some guarding instinct when visitors come to our home. She doesn’t guard my car from people, but will guard it from foreign dogs, same with food. 


Sliding S Aymik Bosco Bullseye

Rodovniško ime: Sliding S Aymik Bosco Bullseye
Datum rojstva: 20.2.2019
Registracija: SKK in ASCA
Barva: black bi
Rep: dolg, kupiran
Mentalni test: opravljen
Vzreditelj: Susan Severns, Sliding S, Idaho USA
Lastnik: Sara Kjeldsen, Sweden

ED: Normal (0)
Correct scissor bite
HSF4 + / + free / clear
CMR1 + / + free / clear
DM + / + free / clear
PRA-prcd + / + free / clear

Eyes clear, checked in 2022


Bosco lives in a farm where he helps with herding.

About Bosco

I have been following Bosco on social media ever since he came to Europe. When I was looking for a male for Beam I contacted his owner Sara and decided to go for it! Bosco is a lot like Beam, he is a relaxed dog, easy to live with and open to people. I love his structure, he is just the right size, not too heavy and not too thin and I just love his head. 

This is what Sara wrote about Bosco on her website:

Bosco has a unique and very interesting strain. His mother is the littermate of the fantastic Supreme Stockdog Champion Oakley (Sliding S Land’s End Sure Shot), one of a total of 4 dogs in ASCA’s history who managed to win the award – by being the sole winner in all 3 animal races of ASCA’s herding dog finals. Bosco’s father is line bred on the first dog to become Supreme Champion.

The hope is that Bosco will add fine whale traits and new blood to Europe and of course my own breeding.

I am extremely grateful for the confidence to manage this puppy! Thank you so much Susan.

Bosco as an individual is gentle, much softer than I could have imagined. The softness makes him easy in everyday life and to live with. But once at work, he is a very driven hardworking dog. He has fantastic endurance for his age. A good tracking and search dog, and since he has an enormous willingness to cooperate, obedience is also very valuable in his eyes. He has trained some rescue efforts, which he managed as if he had never done anything else. Bosco is very durable and environmentally friendly. He takes it as it comes, with his cool way.

In the herd he has a striking animal feeling, seeks heads, strong will to stop, hold, control. Round and easy to get to. He is very responsive to commands.

He is still young and I still have high hopes for this beautiful male.

Informacije o mladičih:

ImeKlicno imeSpolBarvaDolžina repaZdravje (kolki, komolci, ostalo)

Quickbeam Bandstand Boogie



Black tri


kastriran zaradi nespuščenega moda

Quickbeam Brilliant Blues



Black bi


Kolki A/A, komolci 0/0

Quickbeam Building Bridges



Red tri


Kolki A/A, komolci 0/0, hrbet ok

Quickbeam Burning Bright



Red bi


Kolki A/A, komolci 0/0

Quickbeam Beyond Boundaries



Red tri


Kolki A/A, komolci 0/0, hrbet ok

Predstavitev mladičev:

Smoki, avstralski ovčar
Quickbeam Bandstand Boogie “Smoki”
  • samec
  • black trikolor, kratek rep, rjave oči
  • višina, teža
  • kolki 
  • oči pregledane pri 7. tednih
  • kastriran zaradi nespuščenega moda
  • aktivnosti: hribolazenje
Quickbeam Brilliant Blues “Nyx”
  • samec
  • black trikolor, dolg rep, rjave oči
  • višina, teža
  • kolki: A/A, komolci 0/0
  • oči pregledane pri 7. tednih
  • aktivnosti: frizbi
Quickbeam Building Bridges “Bambi”
  • samica
  • red trikolor, kratek rep, svetlo rjave oči
  • višina, teža
  • kolki: A/A, komolci 0/0
  • hrbet: vse ok
  • oči pregledane pri 7. tednih
  • aktivnosti: reševanje
  • v solastništvu
Quickbeam Burning Bright “Bliss”
  • samec
  • red bicolor, kratek rep (brez repa), rjave oči
  • višina, teža
  • kolki: A/A, komolci 0/0
  • oči pregledane pri 7. tednih
  • aktivnosti: 
Quickbeam Beyond Boundaries “Baloo”
  • samica
  • red trikolor, kratek rep, rjave oči
  • višina, teža
  • kolki 
  • oči pregledane pri 7. tednih
  • aktivnosti: 
  • v solastništvu


COI 10 gen: 6.62%

Sliding S Aymik Bosco Bullseye
Rossy’s Sisco
Rossy’s Ole Blue EyesWTCH Oliver’s Sam Hall
Oliver’s Bitty
Arrow B Barnfly STDscWTCH Hart II’s Bronco Buddy
Corydon’s Arrow B Mesa STDcds
Sliding S Sharp Shooter STDs
WTCH Twin Oaks
Black Bart II DNA-vp
Oaks Billy The Kid
HOF The Wind
Storm of Twin Oaks
WTCH Sweetgrass
Painted Blue Skye
WTCH Andrews
Tycoon DNA-VP
WTCH Sweetgrass
Brie PATDs
WTCH S bar L Okie B Cool CDX OFTDs RNX DNA-VPCrown Point S Bar L Interception OTDdsc DNA-VPCrown Point Red Jacks R Wild DNA-VPHOF WTCH Crown Point Stonewall Jackson RD DNA-CP
Crown Point Pose DNA-VP
W Lazy J J2 Crown Point Frankie DNA-VPHOF WTCH Crown Point Red Baron W Lazy J PATDsc RTDsc DNA-VP
 WTCH Lor A Golden Zephyr of J2 RD CD DNA-CP
HOF Misty Ridge Miss Blue Meadow DNA-CP
HOF WTCH S Bar L Shawnee RD DNA-VPHOF WTCH Twin Oaks Billy The Kid RTDs PATDs DNA-VP
HOF Misty Ridge Miss Blue Meadow DNA-CP

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