Dobrodošli na spletni strani Quickbeam avstralskih ovčarjev
We went on a little trip today. Managed to avoid the rain and stretched our legsies 🥰
2 tedna ago

Vse najboljše Beamčo ❤️ Beam danes praznuje 10. rojstni dan ❤️ Leta se ji nič kaj ne poznajo in naj še dolgo ostane tako.Happy birthday dearest Beam ❤️ a big number this time - 10 years. A bit of wisdom around the whiskers but that's about it. Let it stay like that for a long time.
3 tedni ago

Happy holidays and all the best in 2025! 🌲
2 meseca ago
Dashing through the snow #quickbeam #australianshepherd #workingaustralianshepherd #snow #hikingwithdogs
2 meseca ago

Alfi (Quickbeam Eleos, Irra x Nap) in njegova vodnica sta res vsestranska. V nedeljo sta se udeležila Fitmin tekme v bikejoringu. Bravo!!Foto: Anja Vuk
3 meseci ago

Birthday boy! Happy 3rd birthday Bassy boy!
8 mesecev ago

Tripple B - Berus, Beam & BassBerus was on vacation with us recently ❤️
11 mesecev ago

Happy 6th birthday to our Quickbeam puppies! ❤️
12 mesecev ago
Making progress 🙌
Bass herding, Feb 24
12 mesecev ago

Happy 9th birthday to the best dog in the world!Bimčo, vse najboljše!
1 leto ago

Beam and her daughter Bambi ❤️ (Quickbeam Building Bridges, Beam x Bosco)#austrailianshepherd #workingaussie #workingaustralianshepherd #quickbeam #quickbeamaussies
1 leto ago

Perfect circle ❤️#austrailianshepherd #aussie #workingaussie #beam #quickbeam #quickbeamaussies
1 leto ago

Our first herding trial is over and Bass has finished his STDs title (started trial dog - sheep)! We also entered some cattle and duck runs but we still need more training there (as we do on sheep 😄). Good boy!It was great to see friends and meet new people!Photo by @sniper_and_pinuu
1 leto ago

Eno leto nazaj so se skotili mali piškotki. Vse najboljše za 1. rojstni dan 😊 Zrastli so v čudovite mlade pse ❤️Beam x BoscoOne year ago our little beascots were born! Happy 1st birthday 😊. They have grown into wonderful young dogs ❤️
2 leta ago
Little cowdog Bass 😎Hvala Vascer Quarter horses za priložnost!
2 leta ago

Lor A Quickbeam Pan American - BassBass has perfect hips and elbows - HD A/A and ED 0/0!This crazy handsome devil is full of energy and power when it comes to work and the biggest cuddle bug when we are home.I look forward to our future together!
2 leta ago

Happy 8th birthday to the best dog in the world ❤️
2 leta ago
These holidays we've been enjoying hiking in beautiful nature.
2 leta ago

Due to no fault of his own Smoki is available 🥰Quickbeam Bandstand Boogie,
ASCA registered
Male nbt, 2 months oldVery social and nice puppy ❤️ not crazy active (like his sisters 🙈) but still loves to play.S bar L Okie B Cool x Sliding S Aymik Bosco Bullseye
2 leta ago

Quickbeam Beyond BoundariesTuna has found her perfect home 😊Photo by Polona Zeleznikar
2 leta ago

Our puppies are 3 weeks old already!#workingaussies #workingaustralianshepherd #asca #australianshepherdpuppies #australianshepherd #puppies
2 leta ago

Our puppies are 2 weeks old today!#australianshepherd #workingaussie "workingaustralianshepherd #asca #aussiepuppies #puppies
2 leta ago

Welcome little puppies 🥰This morning Beam gave birth to 5 puppies!We have, in order of appearance :
1. Boy, black tri, NBT
2. Boy, black bi, long tail
3. Girl, red tri, NBT
4. Boy, red (not sure wheter bi or tri), very very short NBT
5. Girl, red tri, NBTEveryone is doing well ❤️
3 leta ago

One more week till these puppies arrive ❤️ I can't wait to meet them.Anyone wants a guess at how many there will be, their genders, colors and tails? 😄
3 leta ago

Perfect start of the day 🤩#aussiesofinstagram #workingaussies #workingaustralianshepherd #asca
3 leta ago

I am so thrilled to announce this! I haven't posted anything before because I wanted to make sure first.Beam is expecting puppies in August 🥰🥰 We confirmed the pregnancy today, hopefully there will be 5 puppies!Sire of this litter is wonderful Bosco - Sliding S Aymik Bosco Bullseye, USA import, living in Sweden. Thank you so much Sara Kjeldsen for this opportunity and for your wonderful hospitality! It was a pleasure to meet you and of course also Anita and your family. Hope we will see each other soon again!I did not imagine driving to Sweden will actually be that far. It is indeed very very far 😂 But it was all worth it. Bosco is an amazing dog, super cool, open to people and very very handsome. I believe these pups will be really nice to look at, and great prospects for work/sports.If anyone wants to know more or is interested in a puppy, feel free to check out my website and contact me!
3 leta ago

Oh, Bass! You would think these two were not on the same walk 😅
3 leta ago

Bass is celebrating his 1st birthday today! Happy birthday to the craziest, fastest, sweetest and cuddlies boy around.Happy birthday also to all his brothers and sister in the USA!
3 leta ago

Best dog in the world ❤️ Beam found 7/7 "missing" persons (helpers) on today's national test for SAR unit. It was so much fun working with her, my little rocket.
3 leta ago

Best doggos ❤️#aussiesofinstagram #australianshepherdclubofamerica #australianshepherd #workingaustralianshepherd
3 leta ago

We love to get away from the crowds and explore nature!
3 leta ago

My heart dog Beam is celebrating her 7th birhday today! Happy birthday to the best doggo 🥰
#workingaussies #workingaustralianshepherd #aussiesofinstagram #australianshepherdclubofamerica
3 leta ago

We are so stylish, our dogs match the floor perfectly 😂
3 leta ago

Everyone, meet Bass. Bass, meet everyone 😀Introducing Mr. Bass who will soon be registered as Lor A Quickbeam Pan American. Thank you Beth of Lor A Australian Shepherds for trusting him with us and for having him a few weeks longer so he could fly over the puddle.I guess "something blue" was missing since Ginny passed away and this litter was too big a temptation not to take the chance. Sometimes you gotta do something crazy right? 😜We picked him up today at Frankfurt airport and are still on our way home. So far he is a very cool boy, handling everything like a pro ❤️. A big thank you also goes to Jonathan who was kind enought to fly with him, and to Dawn who connected us.Let's see what the future holds for us!Some data:
DOB: 9th June 2021
Dam: Sagecreek On The Brazos
Sire: J bar D Lor A Flints Dee-Light
Blue merle with white
Docked full tail
Supercute ❤️
3 leta ago

This weekend was super busy. Yesterday we went on a trail ride with our bikes and Beam and today we went hiking to Veliki vrh (2088m) and later a canicross training 😍
3 leta ago

Lucky Beam got to go hiking yesterday afternoon ♥️
4 leta ago

There are some new photos of puppies on our Facebook page ♥️
4 leta ago

Can't believe they are already 3 weeks old!
4 leta ago

Irra je malo pohitela in danes ponoci skotila 6 mladickov 😊 imamo 3 rdece samicke, enega rdecega samcka in dva crna samcka.Vse je potekalo brez zapletov, Irra je super mami ♥️Irra had puppies tonight! We have 3 red girls, one red boy and two black boys.😊Everything was easy, Irra is a great mom ♥️
4 leta ago

Irra se že počasi gnezdi 😁#quickbeamaussies #quickbeam #australianshepherdclubofamerica #australianshepherdpuppies #aussiesofinstagram #workingaustralianshepherd #workingaussies
4 leta ago

Zdaj se pa res že pozna 😊 še cca en teden do mladičkov!#aussiesofinstagram #quickbeamaussies #aussiepuppies #workingaustralianshepherd #workingaussies #australianshepherdclubofamerica
4 leta ago